March POWER Outage 3/3/2014

Monday, March 3, 2014, 5:30pm – 8:00pm

Darby’s Café in downtown Olympia, 211 5th Avenue

Join us at the next POWER Outage on March 3rd for a Resource Roundtable and potluck! We will be sharing the many creative ways we’ve found to live well on a limited budget. As low-income people, we have a collective wealth of knowledge about how to make money last and meet the needs of our families without using money. We also know how to have fun on the cheap. Let’s get together to share our ideas and maybe brainstorm some new ones. We will take notes on these ideas, which may later be compiled into a pamphlet for POWER to give out.


Topics will include:


-Budgeting: How do you keep track of spending and make that check last through the month?

-Food: Do you have tips on where to shop for what? Do you have recipes for your Food Bank groceries? What do you eat at the end of the month/ when food is running low?

-Non-food items: Where do you get your clothes, shampoo, and baby supplies? Do you have recipes for homemade beauty/ cleaning products?

-Holidays: What do you do to make birthdays and other holidays special? What are some low-cost family traditions?

Please bring if want to: A potluck dish you made with low-cost ingredients (and recipe!), Food Bank recipes, examples of your budget tracking system, ideas for cheap home products you can make, and maybe samples if you wish to share.

Bring your wonderful self, kids, family and friends!

Childcare will be provided at the POWER office by the Child Care Collective

Darby’s is closed, but they kindly let us use the space in downtown Olympia, 211 5thAvenue.

January 2014 POWER Outage

Taking place on the 6th of January at Darby’s Cafe in Downtown Olympia will be POWER’s monthly POWER Outage. At this Outage, members will have the opportunity to make signs for the annual MLK Day March to the Capitol, develop POWER’s campaign, and go over the plan for the day of the march. As always, childcare will be available at POWER’s office, and the Outage will start with a potluck at Darby’s.

Sarah Utter

Artist Bio:

I was born in 1975. Before the age of two, I had lived in Tanzania, Iceland, Nova Scotia, and Detroit, as my father was an underwater welder for a Canadian shipping firm. Then we moved to Olympia. I wanted to be an ornithologist, but was better at drawing than scientific inquiry. I’’ve never been on a waterslide. I was, however, part of the world’s longest banana split. My favorite books are The Big Orange Splot and My Antonia and Flappy The Circus Seal. I live in a cabin overlooking the Puget Sound with two dogs and two cats and one human. I walk in the woods every day. I saw a whale in our inlet but nobody believes me. It took me 12 years to graduate from college. Go figure.

Hand-set letterpress prints,  made using reclaimed paper at Community Print in Olympia. they are 8 1/2 x 11″, and framed in simple wood. Artist website:

Prints $20 Each


Artist Bio:

Hukee, a native to Olympia, loves wood, the smell of ink, paper, and collections of all kinds. These loves make the marriage with letterpressing a perfect union.

My prints typically focus on declarations and proclamations, questioning that which is stasis and moving into the unknown.

Each print is printed a very limited number of times on an old Vandercook #14 proofing press, with each print hand-inked and hand-rolled at Community Print in downtown Olympia. If you would like to learn the art of letterpress on this old machine, please find the Community Print page on Facebook. I offer letterpress proficiencies about 6 times a year to community members for a small price that covers the rent for the space anf the cost of buying new supplies for the shop. You can also contact me directly if you are interested in prints at Let me know you saw my prints at the POWER art sale and 50% will go to POWER for the incredibly important woman-centered, anti-oppression that they do toward a truly just tomorrow.

Prints $15 Each



Greta Jane Pedersen

Artist Bio:

Greta Jane Pedersen is the head of the Department of Official Wishes located in Olympia, Washington. I believe in the work of POWER. We at the Department of Official Wishes hope that all the dreams of POWER come true.

Satisfaction Drawing


Grant Diana

Artist Bio:

A fiber artist formerly known as a photographer. Grant Diana aka Grandma Aunt Diana happily resides in Olympia after relocating from Ohio to be closer to her grandchildren and nieces. Being a part time Nanny leaves lots of time for creating one of a kind hats, scarves, creetures, Spirit Dolls, quilts and crafting with the young.

More of Diana’s creations can be seen on Etsy –

Sliding Scale $20 to $40 Each

Marla Beth Elliot

Artist Bio:

Marla Beth Elliot has been knitting almost continuously for more than forty years, when she’s not singing or teaching. She believes that good hats are important for social justice. Maybe good socks, too.

Sliding Scale $20 to $40 Each