Laura Downing has been a member P.O.W.E.R. since its beginning and a member of WROC since the early 2000s. As a differently-abled low-income woman, she has found a home and purpose as a P.O.W.E.R. volunteer, member and ally. Since she was introduced to the organization and welfare rights movement in general, she has been a witness to the hassles and struggles low-income families face whether in or out of the welfare system as well as their strengths and unique amazingness as human beings. She is in awe of what it must take. She has grown in her willingness to listen and stands in deep empathy solidarity with low-income families.
Over the years, Laura has gotten to know and become friends with many of the families involved in P.O.W.E.R. She has really enjoyed working with parents and children on the Sock Monkey for Social Justice Project and other craft projects at P.O.W.E.R. She has done advocacy, organizing, office work, attended countless workshops and meetings, childcare, written legislative letters, made signs, and much more for P.O.W.E.R. She feels her volunteer work is win-win between her and the organization.
In her free time, Laura enjoys painting, drawing, knitting, listening to jazz, and sharing good times and humor with friends and family.