Families are Talking

Parents and those caring for children of any age are invited to join Planned Parenthood and POWER at a workshop to learn when and how to talk with children about sexuality and how to answer their questions.

Activities include: discussion of childhood sexual development, deciding which values to share, and skill building around communication and answering questions. 

October 17th, 5:30pm – 8:00pm at the Planned Parenthood Education Office, located on the corner of 5th Ave and Adams St, Olympia. 

Dinner and childcare provided.

For more information, check out the Facebook event page, call 360-352-1067, or contact POWER at welfarerights@riseup.net.

Visit http://www.plannedparenthood.org/ppgnw/families-talking to discover how your group or organization can host a workshop, or register for a workshop in your area. 

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