
Volunteer or Intern at POWER

Thank you for your interest in POWER.  We are an organization of low-income parents and allies advocating for a strong social safety net while working toward a world where children and care giving are truly valued, and the devastation of poverty has been eradicated.

POWER is a member-led, consensus-based  organization.  Please go to the about us section to read our values and mission statement.

For more information on volunteering or interning with POWER, contact Monica at monica@mamapower.org or 360-352-9716.

Thank you.  Here are some of the ways in which you can get involved and support our work:


  • Answer POWER’s hotline and provide legal information regarding welfare rights.
  • Follow-up with hotline callers.
  • Be a silent witness at welfare appointments.


  • Go to local welfare offices, food banks and other places low income parents congregate with information about POWER and their legal rights.


  • Learn how to meet with donors.
  • Research and write grants.
  • Plan fundraising events: Art Sale! Concert! Secret Café!  Your idea!

Office Work

  • General office work – filing, databasing, answering phones, and more.


  • Learn how the legislature works while organizing POWER members to: get involved in the legislative process, improve their public speaking skills, testify before legislative committees, educate legislatures on the real effects of policy decisions on families.


  • Learn more about the popular education model through taking and leading workshops on welfare rights, global and local economics, and poverty awareness.


  • Learn how to engage with the media.
  • Prepare press releases in response to events that affect welfare policy.
  • Be a Welfare Reporter – gather stories for print, radio and television shows.
  • Organize press conferences.

Direct Action

  • Organize and participate in protests responding to economic policies.
  • Create art through theater, photography, film and audio aimed to educate the public about poverty and parenting issues.